The 9th APAC Conference was not held due to the new coronavirus.
However, the 9th APAC Convention was held on April 8th at 3:00 pm JST as scheduled, as a place to showcase the deliverables of each EWG and Task Force for one-year activities and to discuss ideas for the next APAC Conference with all APAC member associations.
At the convention, JPMA Vice Chairman Yasushi Okada acted as the general chairman and the Chairman George Nakayama (JPMA) congratulated this first time WEB convention.
JPMA’s APAC Operations Committee Chair Hiroyuki Okuzawa and JPMA’s APAC SC Head Masatomi Akana led Part 1 (the disclosure of deliverables) and Part 2 (the next APAC initiative) respectively.
The convention was attended by a large number of observers from all member association in addition to 12 APAC member representatives excluding IRPMA, resulting in a total of 67 participants.
The deliverables are listed below for your reference.
1.Chairman’s Opening Remarks
[RA EWG deliverables]
[VBH TF deliverables]
[ATIM TF deliverables]
[DA EWG deliverables]
[PMRE Report]
Please refer to the report at “PMRE-TF” located at OUR WORKING GROUPS