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Staying current with pharmaceutical market & regulatory environment as factual grounds to achieve APAC mission.

We proudly announce that we launched a new report "Pharmaceutical Market & Regulatory Environment in Asia" (PMRE) by expanding the scope of the Analysis Report. This report contains information on both the market & regulatory environments. The Analysis report, which APAC published since 2012, provided a factual base of discussion to achieve regulatory convergence for APAC members and government authorities. On the other hand, Asia Committee of JPMA International Affairs has been publishing its own "Regulatory and Market environment report" of Asian economies covering market information such as healthcare system, IP and distribution in addition to the regulatory information for Japanese industry and authorities. APAC mission is "To expedite the launch of innovative medicines for the peoples in Asia." Various solutions to improve access to innovative medicines have been proposed at this APAC platform since its establishment. To further advance Access to Innovative Medicine (ATIM), it is crucial for APAC participants to find solutions from a broader perspective. This report was made possible by extensive efforts of all APAC member associations. We hope it will be helpful for APAC members on the journey to pursue our shared mission.